Snakewood Large Flat Spokeshave HSS DSC_0026 BLR.jpg

Snakewood Large Flat Spokeshave HSS

Specialty Wood Mallet DSC_0025 B.jpg

Specialty Wood Mallet

from $64.99
Ultimate Bench Hardware Set

Ultimate Bench Hardware Set

from $1,019.97
Smoothing Plane HNT-Gordon-Smoothing-Plane-mouth.jpg

Smoothing Plane

from $319.99
A55 Smoothing Plane HNT-Gordon-A55-Adjustable-Smoothing-Plane-in-action.JPG

A55 Smoothing Plane

from $434.99
Jack Plane HNT-Gordon-Jack-Plane2.jpg

Jack Plane

from $304.99
Trying Plane HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-Trying-Plane-thoat.jpg

Trying Plane

from $384.99
A55 Trying Plane HNT-Gordon-A55-adjustable-Trying-Plane-in-action.jpg

A55 Trying Plane

from $469.99
Jointer Plane HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-Jointer-Plane-mouth_2400x.jpg

Jointer Plane

from $464.99
A55 Jointer Plane HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-A55-Adjustable-Jointer-Plane-thoat_2400x.jpg

A55 Jointer Plane

from $584.99
Palm Smoothing Plane HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-Palm-Smoothing-Plane-mouth.jpg

Palm Smoothing Plane

Small Curved Spokeshave HNTGordonSmallCurvedSoleSpokeshaveBottomview.jpg

Small Curved Spokeshave

from $159.99
Large Curved Spokeshave HNTGordonLargeCurvedSoleSpokeshaveBottomView.jpg

Large Curved Spokeshave

from $259.99
Large Flat Spokeshave HNTGordon LargeFlatSoleSpokeshaveBottomView.jpg

Large Flat Spokeshave

from $249.99
Shoulder Plane - 1/2 inch HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-Half-Inch-Shoulder-Plane-unique-bass-wedge-mechanism B.jpg

Shoulder Plane - 1/2 inch

Shoulder Plane - 3/4 inch HNT-Gordon-three-quarter-inch-shoulder-plane-wedge-mechanism.jpg

Shoulder Plane - 3/4 inch

Shoulder Plane - 1 inch HNT-Gordon-one-inch-shoulder-plane-in-action.jpg

Shoulder Plane - 1 inch

Shoulder Plane - 1 1/4 inch HNT-Gordon-one-and-a-quarter-inch-shoulder-plane-mouth.jpg

Shoulder Plane - 1 1/4 inch

Block Plane HNT-Gordon-Block plane1.jpg

Block Plane

from $244.99
Radius Plane HNT-Gordon-Radius-Plane-2.jpg

Radius Plane

from $259.99
Dado Plane - 1/8 inch HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-One-Eighth-Inch-Dado-Plane-2.jpg

Dado Plane - 1/8 inch

Dado Plane - 1/4 inch HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-One-Quarter-Inch-Dado-Plane.jpg

Dado Plane - 1/4 inch

Dado Plane - 1/2 inch HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-One-Half-Inch-Dado-Plane.jpg

Dado Plane - 1/2 inch

Dado Plane - 3/4 inch HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-Three-Quarter-Inch-Dado-Plane.jpg

Dado Plane - 3/4 inch

Side Rabbet/Rebate Plane Pair with Dovetail Fence HNT-Gordon-Pair-Side-Rebate-Planes-2.jpg

Side Rabbet/Rebate Plane Pair with Dovetail Fence

Left Hand Side Rabbet/Rebate Plane with Dovetail Fence HNT-Gordon-Left-Hand-Side-Rebate-Plane.jpg

Left Hand Side Rabbet/Rebate Plane with Dovetail Fence

Right Hand Side Rabbet/Rebate Plane with Dovetail Fence HNT-Gordon-Right-Hand-Side-Rebate-Plane.jpg

Right Hand Side Rabbet/Rebate Plane with Dovetail Fence

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1/2 inch HNT-Gordon-Half-Inch-Skew-Rebate-Plane-Throat.jpg

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1/2 inch

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 3/4 inch HNT-Gordon-Three-Quarter-Inch-Skew-Rebate-Plane-Wedge-Mechanism.jpg

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 3/4 inch

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 inch HNT-Gordon-One-Inch-Skew-Rebate-Plane-Throat.jpg

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 inch

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 1/4 inch

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 1/4 inch

Hollow and Round Molding Plane HNT-Gordon-Five-Eighth-Inch-Hollow-And-Round-Plane-Pair-2.jpg

Hollow and Round Molding Plane

from $189.99
Side Round Plane HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-Left-Hand-Side-Round-Moulding-Planes.jpg

Side Round Plane

from $204.99
Snipe Bill Plane HNTGordonSnipeBillsView3_1080x.jpg

Snipe Bill Plane

from $244.99
Moving Fillister Plane HNT-Gordon-Gidgee-Moving-Fillister-Plane.jpg

Moving Fillister Plane

Plow/Plough Plane HNT Gordon Plow Plough Plane 2.jpg

Plow/Plough Plane

Front Vise HNT-Gordon-Aluminium-Front-Vice.jpg

Front Vise

Wide Jaw Front Vise HNT Gordon Wide Jaw Front Vise 2.png

Wide Jaw Front Vise

Tail Vise HNT_Gordon_Tail_Vise_View2.jpg

Tail Vise

from $284.99
Pattern Maker's Vise HNT_Forming_Planes-237-Edit-2-2_-_Copy_resized_for_web_1080x A.jpg

Pattern Maker's Vise

Tilting Plate for Vises HNTGordon-tilting-vice-jaw.jpg

Tilting Plate for Vises

Cork/rubber Liner for Vises Cork rubber Liner Detail for HNT Gordon Pattern Maker's Vise.jpg

Cork/rubber Liner for Vises

from $7.99
Bench Dogs - 1/2 inch shaft HNT-Gordon-One-Eighth-Inch-Tail-Vice-Bench-Dog.jpg

Bench Dogs - 1/2 inch shaft

from $8.99
Bench Dogs - 3/4 inch shaft three quarter inch head three quarter inch shaft bench dog.jpg

Bench Dogs - 3/4 inch shaft

HNT Gordon Mallet IMG_4231.jpg

HNT Gordon Mallet

Spare Smoothing Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Smoothing-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare Smoothing Plane Blade

from $69.99
Spare A55 Smoothing Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-A55-Smoothing-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare A55 Smoothing Plane Blade

from $84.99
Spare Jack Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Jack-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare Jack Plane Blade

from $59.99
Spare Trying Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Trying-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare Trying Plane Blade

from $69.99
Spare A55 Trying Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-A55-Trying-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare A55 Trying Plane Blade

from $84.99
Spare Jointer Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Jointer-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare Jointer Plane Blade

from $69.99
Spare A55 Jointer Blade HNT-Gordon-A55-Jointer-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare A55 Jointer Blade

from $84.99
Spare 1/2" Shoulder Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Half-Inch-Shoulder-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare 1/2" Shoulder Plane Blade

Spare 3/4" Shoulder Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Three-Quarter-Inch-Shoulder-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare 3/4" Shoulder Plane Blade

Spare 1" Shoulder Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-One-Inch-Shoulder-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare 1" Shoulder Plane Blade

Spare 1 1/4" Shoulder Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-One-and-One-Quarter-Inch-Shoulder-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare 1 1/4" Shoulder Plane Blade

Spare Small Curved Spokeshave Blade HNT-Gordon-Small-Curved-Sole-Spoke-Shave-Blade-2_1080x.jpg

Spare Small Curved Spokeshave Blade

from $26.99
Spare Large Spokeshave Blade (Curved or Flat Sole) HNT-Gordon-Curved-Sole-Spoke-Shave-Blade-2_1080x.jpg

Spare Large Spokeshave Blade (Curved or Flat Sole)

from $39.99
Spare Radius Plane Blade HNT Gordon Radius Plane Blade 2.jpg

Spare Radius Plane Blade

from $59.99
Spare Palm Smoothing Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Jack-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare Palm Smoothing Plane Blade

Spare Block Plane Blade HNT-Gordon-Jack-Plane-Blade_1080x.jpg

Spare Block Plane Blade

from $49.99

Spare Plow/Plough Plane Blade
