Wide Jaw Front Vise

Wide Jaw Front Vise

from $599.99

HNT Gordon’s new concept designed and made in-house in Australia.

Bench Vise Features:

  • Non racking

  • Simple installation

  • Opens 6”

  • Jaw is 13 3/8” wide x 6 3/8” high

  • Thread is 6 TPI ACME for fast, smooth action

  • Hidden thread to prevent dust wearing the thread

  • Tried and tested in real work shop conditions on a daily basis for five years to ensure quality before being offered for sale

Download the installation guide here.PLEASE NOTE: This installation guide is for the Front Vise and has not yet been updated with all the correct dimensions of the Wide Jaw Front Vise. The only difference between the two vises is the width of the jaw.

Note: The front vise does not come with 1/2” dog holes drilled in the top edge of the vise jaw as seen in some of the photos/videos. You can select this option if desired. HNT Gordon will drill two 1/2” dog holes 40mm (1.577”) from each end, which makes them 150mm (5.906”) apart. HNT Gordon recommends this spacing, but if you want a different spacing, please email me to order as this will be a custom order at an additional charge. If you decide to add dog holes once you receive your vise, HNT Gordon recommends not to do them larger than 1/2" as it may compromise the jaw, and you will lose your warranty.

Watch a video of Terry Gordon, HNT Gordon’s founder, install a front vise on a work bench.

Questions? Please contact us.

1/2" Dog Holes:
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