Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 inch

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 inch


The one inch Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane is used for making and cleaning up rabbets with or across the grain.

  • It is 8 7/8” long x 1” wide x 2 5/8” high

  • It weighs about 1.75 lbs.

  • It has a 60 degree blade pitch with a 4 degree skew for planing.

  • The skewed blade provides for efficient shaving removal in long rabbets, helps hold the left side of the plane into the corner of the rebate, and helps to give a nice surface finish across the grain.

  • The blade is 3/16" thick x 1" wide Tool Steel hardened to RC 62-64.

  • Can be used in conjunction with Hollows and Rounds to make moldings.

  • Made from Gidgee, a very dense and stable Australian hardwood.

Questions? Please contact us.

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Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 1/4 inch

Skew Rabbet/Rebate Plane - 1 1/4 inch
