4 inch Microfiber Roller and Tray

4 inch Microfiber Roller and Tray
100% seamless microfiber – solvent resistant
Quick and professional application – saving you time
High loading capacity and equally thin release of finish
Tray, roller frame, and microfiber roller sold separately
The Microfiber Roller should only be saturated lightly. A lightly saturated roller will allow the user to cover approx. 45-55ft². Please be aware that Osmo Polyx-Oils have a high yield (see product label). Product excesses and roller tracks must be rolled or smoothed out immediately.
After finishing work, the Microfiber Roller can be wrapped in saran wrap and kept airtight until required for the 2nd coat the next day.
Stir the chosen Osmo finish well and pour into the tray.
Take the Osmo Microfiber Roller and roll well on the grid of the tray.
Roll the finish very thinly and evenly onto the wood following the grain.